+91 9831187557 / 9830645705
37B, Lansdown Terrace, Beside Deshapriya Park, Adjacent Building National High School For Girls, First Floor Kolkata
With our growing age body produce less substances to keep our skin firm. Along with it exposure to sun, pollution and stress affects our appearance. All this takes a toll in number of ways. Ageing causes dullness of skin, fine lines, wrinkles, sagging loosening skin etc. With ageing the epithelium increases and face appears dull. Thus, fine lines appear due to loss of fat, collagen and elastic tissue. However, good news is with anti-ageing treatment in Kolkata reduce your imperfections. This help you look great no matter whatever your age.
This technique improves and smoothen the texture of facial skin using chemical solution. Commonly used chemicals are Glycolic Acid, Trichloro Acetic Acid and Phenol Peel. However, we use glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy fatty acids.
Dermaroller involves rolling a cylinder covered in tiny needles over your skin. Little holes are punched in skin under local anaesthesia. The damage caused by the needles stimulates collagen production. This helps in treating scars, fine lines and wrinkles.
The filler materials under the skin helps make facial profile more youthful .Commonly used are temporary and permanent filler. Fat injection in face is done under local anaesthesia helps to reduce fine lines and correct depressed areas.
Co2 Laser causes tightening of facial skin reduce fine lines. It is multi staged; gap of 4-6 weeks gives remarkable improvement.
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With us get the "best Anti-Ageing treatment in Kolkata". Our expertise surgeon with special treatments strives to offer the best. Get appointment with Dr. Arindam Sarkar and feel younger with anti-ageing treatments.
These defects can be corrected easily by simple surgical techniques.